Welcome to the 5 day drop!

Come here to access your program instructions, and get tips and info on how to get the most out of your 5 day drop. Click here to access your 5DD GUIDE: 5 DAY DROP GUIDE AND TIPS (2).pdf
Here are the 2 plans you can choose from, the Blue plan contains carbs and puts you on a 5 small meals a day plan. The Yellow has NO CARBS and but gives you more flexibility with eating times:
5 Day Drop Approved Meals
Click here or click the image below to access approved meals or use it to inspire you! You don't need to "prepare" any meals, just make better choices. 
Here's some tips to get you ready:

  • You will be weighing-in everyday so please have a digital body scale ready for your daily weigh-ins.

  • Take pictures! The inches come off even faster than the weight, pictures will SHOW you your results, you MUST take pictures.

  • Connect to the FB or IG chat, community support is a VERY important part of this program. I STRESS THIS! To have the best results, get connected to your support chat and participate daily, share your meals, images of your scale, share you taking your products and support everyone sharing good vibes!

  • Mindset: though this is just a "5-day" program, this is the start of a life long journey of learning to make commitments and stick to them. Anyone can do 5 days. Commit to the 5 day program and commit to doing it monthly thereafter. 

  • Continuation: We suggest you to continue taking your drop products following your 5 day drop, but also include Carb Blocker (for when you add back carbs,) Trim (to shrink fat and slow down fat cell storage,) and Burn (if you're ok with caffeine for fat burning) for weight loss. And for over all wellness: Biocell. Get with the person who got you started to see your continuation options and get the BEST DEAL.

  • Also request to be added to our FB support group if you're not already in it.

Tips on how to take pictures:

Taking before and after pictures during your weight loss journey can be incredibly motivating and insightful. These photos serve as visual progress markers, offering you tangible evidence of your hard work and dedication. Seeing changes in your body that you might not notice day-to-day can boost your motivation and help you stick to your goals. Additionally, these snapshots can provide a source of inspiration and pride, reminding you of how far you've come whenever you face challenges. Documenting your journey through photos not only celebrates your progress but also encourages a reflective and appreciative attitude towards your body's capabilities and changes.

Tip 1: Maintain good posture Stand up straight, with your shoulders back and down and arms relaxed at your sides. Recreate the same pose each time.

Tip 2: Stand in natural light Try to take your photo in natural daylight. If that isn’t possible, ensure that your room is well lit and there is as much light as possible.

Tip 3: Show your shape To compare the changes, you’ll need to see the changes. It’s impossible to do this if you’re wearing a baggy t-shirt or shorts. Form-fitting activewear/swimwear is best. Your stomach area should be visible, as this is a great indicator of weight loss and/or muscle.

Tip 4: Try to wear the same clothes If you can’t wear the same outfit, at least wear something similar every time you take your picture. If you’re proud of your progress, you might want to show others, so we encourage you to avoid posing in your underwear.

Tip 5: Shoot from 3 angles To understand the full scope of how your body is changing, it’s important to capture your front, side, and back. For consistency, always choose the same side each time.